The EVERGi group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), is gearing up to participate in the prestigious SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting to present the research they are conducting in the framework of the Maxima project, Modular Axial Flux for Automotive. The event is scheduled to take place from 5th to 9th May 2024 in Seville, Spain.

The Maxima team will be participating in Session 5.06 titled «Circularity Strategies and Life Cycle Thinking: Ensuring the Way to Sustainability» within the track «Life Cycle Assessment and Foot-Printing».

The research to be presented, in a poster format, focuses on the environmental impacts of electric traction machines (ETM) used in the electrification of vehicle fleets. While Electric Vehicles (EVs) offer significant benefits in terms of decarbonization, concerns have been raised regarding the environmental effects throughout the lifecycle of ETMs, from resource extraction to end-of-life treatment.

In this study, the VUB aims to analyze the environmental impacts of ETMs, with a particular focus on the use of permanent magnets (PM) containing strategic raw materials. The research explores novel recycling processes for PMs, aiming to mitigate environmental impacts associated with their production and disposal.

The research methodology employs Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), taking a cradle-to-grave approach to evaluate the environmental footprint of ETMs. Two scenarios will be compared: one with standard end-of-life treatment and the other integrating innovative PM recycling processes.

The results of the study are expected to shed light on the potential environmental benefits of circularity strategies in ETM design. Insights gained from this research will inform Maxima’s broader objective of developing more efficient ETMs with reduced reliance on strategic resources.

About the event

The SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, organised by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, brings together more than 2,600 environmental scientists from around the globe, making this the most prominent conference in environmental toxicology and chemistry in Europe and the world. The meeting offers a unique platform for environmental professionals and students to exchange, discover, and discuss cutting-edge research on a global stage.

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